pc light for 7 gal


New Member
I found a place to custom make a power compact light for the 7 gallon but my question is I want to order with 1 acetenic and a 10000k light with a total wattage of 64 watts the lights are 32 watts each at a price of 79.99 is this reasonable wattage for the tank and also is 79.99 reasonable for a price I posted this in lighting but am cross posting since more people post here at the general form


New Member
That doesn't seem like a bad price, I would personally go with a 70MH if you are wanting that many watts. I have a 70MH with a usio 10k bulb and it is perfect for me and you can't beat the way it looks on my MiniBow.


New Member
Before with 64 watt pc

after 70watt mh ushio 10k

sorry my glass needs to be cleaned before I take any more pics




New Member
its a pendentlight I dont have a method to do a pendent light because we rent but
and it also needs a cover butI must say that you do have a nice tank thanks for the pictures :D


New Member
IT is about 7 inches above the tank now, I was easing my corals into the MH. Next week it will be about 5in from the water. Then I will make a custom hood for the bow.


New Member
I was also going to add that you can buy a shelf and mount it above your tank and then suspend the light. I rent to. to tell you the truth I just got a new fish stand, and I am going do the shelf method. Right now the light is hanging from one of my deer heads.


New Member
4wheelin69 said:
I was also going to add that you can buy a shelf and mount it above your tank and then suspend the light. I rent to. to tell you the truth I just got a new fish stand, and I am going do the shelf method. Right now the light is hanging from one of my deer heads.
yipes from a deerhead. I am not a fan of hanging things up for fear of it snapping, slipping, falling into that open tank and frying the hell out of everything. Best of luck to you and hope you do get it mounted correctly.

nice tank BTW.


New Member
You can fabricate a pipe or conduit stand/hanger over the tank that starts on the ground and just arcs over the tank if you're concerned with putting holes in the walls. It should be relatively cheap and easy. I think there were pics on here earlier of one. I'll poke around and see if I can find it.



New Member
we just ordered the light they could have done it in mh
but it was just too much more to do it that way now
the light we just orderde is 36 watts per light
one acitinic and one 10000k at 36 watts for a total of 72 watts
in the 7 gallon that will give me 10.3 watts per gallon our 2 gallon has an 18 watt light on it and stuff is just thriving right now the corals that I have are starting to show stress and needed to get a new light asap we just couldnt budget for mh some day maybe but not right now I am hoping that the corals can hang on for a nother week or so till the light comes
it comes with 2 light bulbs of choice I chose 1 acitinic and one 10000k it comes with legs and lense cover and I think a 5 year warrenty the price is 99.00 with shipping and handeling
we will have to get a custom top made in a couple of weeks for evap and for jumpers but that is minor I will post pictures in a couple of weesk when I get it up and running I wll let you know what I think ( not that my opinion is worth a whole lotta poo ) because I am still so new in this
I let you know when we get it in the next week or so