Open brain coral injury - help


New Member
Tonight while doing a water change in my 20 gal, I accidentally got the siphon too close to my open brain. The hose made a quick suction on the outer fleshy part of the coral and tore a quarter inch hole in the 'skin'. It immediately shrunk up and I could tell it was not happy. I've been watching it all night and it seems to be almost back to full size again after the water change although I can still see the damage I did.

Question is, can anyone think of anything I can do for the poor guy to help speed up the recovery? Think it will pull through?? :crybaby2:


New Member
Do you have an iodine dip onhand? Or some reef iodine? I wouldn't take it out and dip it just yet, but watch it for signs of infection. If you start to see some, be ready to do a dip immediately. Keep your tank water pristine, and hopefully it'll turn out just fine!

Good luck,



New Member
I'd add some iodine to the tank, and make sure that the brain has plenty of flow over it. I wouldn't move it because changing the light it's getting will just be more stress on it. I don't know of anything else you can really do. The fact that it's opened back up is encouraging, now you just need to guard against infection. Maybe target feed it a bit so it's getting extra food for energy to heal quickly.

Good luck,



New Member
Cool. Thanks for the help guys. Yeah, the only thing I could think of was to add a little iodine to the tank and maybe spot feet it in a couple days. I will add the iodine drops tonight when I get home. It looked okay this morning too so I think it will pull through. [-o<


New Member
I think the brain is going to be okay. It looks almost 100% normal again. Thanks for the help everyone.