Can I use the old water from my water changes to cycle a new tank? I used new water when I did my first tank, now I'm planning to set up a Pico and was wondering if you could use old water for cycling.
yes you could use that to seed the tank but you still want your live rock
I would not fill the whole tank with old water but maybe half old half brand new with the same salinity , you wont see as hard or as long of a cycle
Sadielynn- What do you mean "you still want your Live Rock"? I will be using live rock but not the ones from my first'll be all new. So if I used only old water, it would take much longer to cycle? If so, then that I can use my old water...I really dont mind the long cycle, it gives me more time to think on what to put inside....and save money for it as well.
"new" live rock is ok but if you use all old water you will be putting all the bad stuff in ie ammonia nitrate nitrItes ect if you do a 50/50 it will be like a big water change the cycle should not be more than 6 weeks and probably shorter if you use cured live rock maybe even on the lines of a week or 2
OOOH!!! I see what you mean....Thats very sharp of you...I've never thought of that. That makes sense. I'm about to start my Pico tank and was wondering on how to do it. Though I have a NanoCube and went through cycling and all that stuff....I actually forgot what I did. Hehehe!!! I dont mind having to cycle my tank for a long time since I'm just tripping with the Cube has been doing well so far except for some minor things which are external and now I dont have anything new to do. Thanks a million!!!