Nudis.... Solution to terminate them?



ummmm.... i would check the date on that info - i believe it to be incorrect.
I know for a fact (scientific experiment conducted by me) that FWE does not kill montipora eating nudies, and many others have confirmed this. I do not have any zoa eaters to test so i can't say for sure about them but nudibranchs are mollusks not flatworms and the medication is different. obviously if FWE killed mollusks then all your snails and clams would die when you dosed your tank, and they do not - again i have personal experience with this. i have dosed my 125 many times and have not lost any snails/clams because of it.
FWE is a good product if used correctly and VERY carefully. if you do a large water change and run a lot of carbon - it will not harm anything but flatworms.
there is a post somewhere on RC where i posted my findings on nudi dips i tried - but basically i tested FWE, lugols, and a combination of the 2 at very large doses in a dip container and found that although neither product directly killed them in a resonable amount of time lugols had the biggest effect. because i'm dealling with montis i now only use a saltwater dip. any zoas i get in though get fresh water dipped
with zoa nudis your best solution is fresh water and lugol dips for 15 seconds - as i described before - here is a nice link to a conversation on this topic ... t=zoa+dips