nitrates up!!


New Member
Did a water test test today!!! Nitrates up around 10... They have always been under 5. Did a 2 gallon water change with r/o saltwater from lfs, will check again later then do another 2 gallon change tomorrow. Do you think that's why my tree coral is poorly? Can't think why they should have jumped up so quickly, I haven't added anything to the tank for a week now.


New Member
I can think of a few reasons as to why your trates may have spiked.

Water from LFS (media not changed often enough) I would bet that this is the source
Salt mixture
Molted shrimp or invert and nothing found the molt

There are several other places that you can check but I would start with the LFS water. Test it and see where it stands before you try anything else.


New Member
that about hits mine on the head
shrimp molted 2 days after water change 1 day after testing checked it other day way up


New Member
something is off balance. do you have a mechanical filter and has the media/filters been changed recently? I would definitely do atleast a 10% water change to drive the ammonia down. What size of a tank is it (sorry i loose track of everyone's tank size)? You can try Prime from Seachem it will detoxify the ammonia so it isn't as harmful for your livestock. IMO you can try that as a temporary solution until you can find what is causing it.


New Member
it's a 12 gallon nano. I did a 10%water straight away, and I do one twice a week also. Can't seem to see anything that caused the spike? I clean the pump filter once every two weeks. All other readings were well within limits.


New Member
If ya can match ph and temp....just do 50% or better water change....My critters love life after I do that..never seen any problems by doing such a huge change...

Ya truly can fix a lot in nano's with big water change...