Newly vacant tank, ideas?


New Member
Ok. My freshwater lobster (Ramon) passed away. And now I have a 30g oceanic hex tank that is empty (well I have freshwater plants in there now). Any ideas on a non-coral theme tank? The reason I say non-coral is because I can not spring for the MH that I would need for this tank, so I will start FOWLR and then buy my lights and then add coral much later on if I want to. Any odd sea animals that require a species tank out there that I don't know about? The tank seems a bit big for a single mantis shrimp. There is no sump and I'm not sure I can drill the tank ( I think it's tempered...anyway you all know of to find out?). I was thinking maybe an octopus? (Will read more on internet, just an idea right now).


New Member
Ok...odd. Well if anyone cared I was able to trade out this 30g hex tank for a 75 glass tank with stand. I just have to drive 30 minutes.


New Member
How about a tank with 2-3 snowflake eels? That would be pretty cool.

Or maybe a setup with a big rock in the middle (vertically) and 4-8 chromis circling around it? Just throwing adeas out there...


New Member

I'd do the trade. But then again it'll cost more money in the longer run to get it where you want it! I just feel with a hex its more difficult to work with... but if you do pull off a reef with a hex it probably would look great plus rare. I guess its all up to your imagination and what would make you happy. Jason


New Member
Heh, well I did trade the guy even though he measured wrong. It's a 55 gallon tank and stand and I'm planning on a FOWLR. Seems octopi (uses??) are huge pigs and don't live very long. Thanks for humoring me.


a 55 gives you the option to keep some nonreef safe fish like pygmy angels. flames are about the prettiest fish out there but i don't trust them in a reef but a fowler would be awesome set-up with a flame, coral beauty, and maybe even a koran. you could also include a tang like a hepaticus (gets a bit big for a 55??) or my favorite the kole. another option is a species tank with an undulated trigger or the more expensive clown trigger. again they get a bit big for a 55 but if it were alone it would be fine for many years. another one of my favorite species tank fish is the porky puffer. they become very friendly and will greet you like a dog at the tank looking to be fed, again though it will outgrow a 55 but if alone your good for a long while. also you could do a lion, or moray like DJ suggested. just depends on if you want charactor or beauty..... so many options....... too few tanks and money :)