Newly remodeled 2.5g pico

Sugar Magnolia

New Member
I stole your idea for the AC 300 fuge. hehe :) got a question for you. I didn't use a baffle between the intake and the main chamber. Right now I have a millenium 1000 poly/carbon pad there which fits great. I'm still getting alot of flow into the 2.5 even though I swapped out the impeller with the AC mini impeller, and I have the intake shifted a bit to the right since it seems to struggle when fully seated. Does the baffle really make much difference in reducing the flow? I was thinking that I could take a piece of acrylic with several 1/2" holes drilled across the top and place it right where the water flows back into the tank. I figured this may slow things down a bit and also help keep my chaeto from drifting down into the tank with the flow. I get strings of chaeto hangin into the main tank. not pretty.

Your tank looks great! I'm getting ready to do a major overhaul on my 2.5...should be fun!
Doubt that will work very well the water level will just rise possibly causing your ac300 to over flow, to decrease the water flow you need to cut off the intake, not outlet, try this, take the tube that sucks the water in off and pack it will some foam, the bigger the pores the less reduced the smaller the pores the more reduced, if you take some filter floss and stuf 1/2 inch followed by a tight fitting circle of a bio-sponge type foam(also used for algae clean up, large pores) to block the folter floss from getting into your impeller, I think that will achive the exact amount of reduced flow you want

Sugar Magnolia

New Member
I figured if I drilled the 1/2" holes across the top of the baffle if would still allow water to pass through, but be just enough to slow it down. dunno - it can't hurt to try it. your idea would work, dbut I don't know if I want to do that because that will just become a detritus trap causing an elevated nitrate level. I'd have to add that to the weekly cleaning routine, but if that's what would work, I may have to.

The intake tube was cut short in order to fit it into the 2.5. It's only about 4" long.


New Member
Sugar Magnolia said:
I figured if I drilled the 1/2" holes across the top of the baffle if would still allow water to pass through, but be just enough to slow it down. dunno - it can't hurt to try it. your idea would work, dbut I don't know if I want to do that because that will just become a detritus trap causing an elevated nitrate level. I'd have to add that to the weekly cleaning routine, but if that's what would work, I may have to.

The intake tube was cut short in order to fit it into the 2.5. It's only about 4" long.
SM, could you just put a 2-3 inch piece of 1/2 inch or 3/4 inch, thick-walled tubing in the intake tube. What I'm thinking is that you get tubing that you can just barely squeeze into the intake that way you're reducing the size of the intake by the width of the tubing which will slow the flow down somewhat without creating a detritus trap.
