Newb starting a pico


New Member
Hi all

I just wanted any advice other than that stated on the pico forums on setting up a pico. Will be starting a 2.5-5gallon tank as soon as funding comes in. (btw, will be in canberra australia then)

In particular, any info on flow rates required for filters, lighting for, say a 3gal and any other advice you think appropriate.

Also, i read somewhere that i should remove the foam pads from HOB filters to reduce algal buildup. I dont really understand the concept; is it coz the deritus will deposit on the foam and decompose to release nutrients for algae to bloom?

Any info is gratefully accepted.




New Member
Hi Mihkaail,
I would go with an Aquaclear300 HOB filter for your tank. Yes, take out the foam pad b/c it will just basically create a nitrate factory in your tank. I'd throw in some rubble rock, sand (if you can make a divider) and some macro of some sort for filtration purposes. A little 9W light covering the AQ would be a good idea too but no neccessary.

As for lighting, the more the merrier. I have 2X32 watts over my 5.5 gallon and I'm very happy with it. I have the CSL retro kit and just attached it to the hood myself.


New Member

Wow, 64watts on a 5.5?! Doesnt that cause an algae bloom?

Well, IME, most tanks here have quite bad water (high in dissolved organics, moderate nitrates and detectable nitrites). This results in great difficulty in keeping xenia ALIVE at all instead of reproducing as i read everywhere in the states. However, goniopora and alveoporas do exceptionally well; possibly cos they're found on sea beds in nature (areas with cloudy water rich in dissolved organics). Other LPS do better too but not as well as alveo, goni and elegence.

So i guess it's a trade off, slightly 'unclean' water and tanks but LPS thriving. Well, i'll try to get as much lighting as i can afford. Thanks for the help dj.

BTW, what kinda fish/mobile inverts can i get away with in a 3-5gal? Would a clown goby be okay? I'd do sexys but economically not viable bcos you need at least 3 of em.

Thanks for any help guys; best nano forum on the net BTW :)



New Member
mihkaail said:
BTW, what kinda fish/mobile inverts can i get away with in a 3-5gal? Would a clown goby be okay? I'd do sexys but economically not viable bcos you need at least 3 of em.

Thanks for any help guys; best nano forum on the net BTW :)

Clown gobies do pretty well in nanos. They're generally peaceful with everyone except other clown gobies, so one per tank is the rule for nanos.

If by sexys, you mean sexy shimp, you don't need any particular number. I've got two in my 7g nano, one in my wifes 10g, and one in my 75g.

I'd say maybe 2 small fish in 3-5g nano. Inverts usually don't really factor in very high when it comes to the bio-load. Realistically they do, but unless you're doing something with messy/particular eating habits like harlequin shrimp, or bumble-bee shrimp, they're just not going to be anywhere as messy as fish.



New Member
somebody say sexys? hehe. I have two in my pico, and they are a happy pair. I didn't get three, I was happier to see them paired up as opposed to like a herd. :) I was also shooting to keep an aneome shrimp but the poor thing didn't live and I got credited and got something else I needed.

on a side note: Incysor, in your 75 gallon, are you able to see the sexy shrimp? When I first got just one for the JBJ 12 gallon (back in November), he darted off and I never saw that shrimp again. (that and I think somebody ate it or something or it died)


New Member
dragon79 said:
on a side note: Incysor, in your 75 gallon, are you able to see the sexy shrimp? When I first got just one for the JBJ 12 gallon (back in November), he darted off and I never saw that shrimp again. (that and I think somebody ate it or something or it died)
Obviously I have days I can't find it, but it tends to stick near one of the pieces of frogspawn, so I start there and just kind of look in expanding circles around it. I can find it more often than not in a few seconds.



New Member
Hi again

Firstly, thanks for the replies.

Well, i kinda thought one sexy would be so sad and lonely; two would be okay but i was afraid they'd be too small and inconspicuous in a pico. I've seen a herd of 4-6 of them and they looked fantastic on their own little LR platform in the middle of a 3 gallon. Besides, from what i've read, USD10 per sexy seems quite high.

Thanks, i'll see if i can get either a clown goby or a neon when i get to AU. Was thinking if i can get a frozen eating mandarin i'd give it a go (see my post on them in the reef fish section) or maybe a watchman/shrimp pair.

Will keep you guys posted when i've recceed the LFS in canberra (hopefully within 2 weeks).

Thanks again


New Member
Hi all

Just another question, what should i keep in the filter? dj says remove the foam, okay so do i still go with the bioballs/ceramic rings/chemipure/carbon/nitrate removers/zeolite?

Thanks everyone