New to the forum


New Member
Hello everyone,

I have recently become very interested in reef tanks. I have been researching for over 2months and just bought a book. I hope to start by next month. The biggest hurtle is my girl. We already have a 45G tank and a 20G tank. The 45 is hers and the 20 is mine. I think she is jealous of my tank :lol3: . In any case I have a nice set up but want something more. I currently have a blue tailed lobster, 2 ciclids, and 2 tin foil barbs in my 20G tank. I really enjoy looking at it but feel I need something more interesting. I have already become good friends with a local shop and they seem to be well known in the area. Once I decide on a tank size I will post some pics and throw in a few of our fresh water set ups to.

Anyway thanks,


New Member
Welcome to the site David.

Best bet is to take her with you to the shops and get her interested in saltwater as well. Then you can plan the tank together.



New Member
Great advice Incysor. Take her with you for sure and let her pick out a few corals when your tank has finished cycling. Keep her interested and encourage her to help out getting things setup as well. The more involved she is, the more you two will enjoy it.

Welcome to the site! :mrgreen:

Master Er

New Member
Welcome to nanotank...I see your from virginia....have you been to roozen? They have a very big collection of corals there. Cheap too.


New Member
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I think I have her hooked. We will be going to the local shop on saturday.

Master Er. Thanks for the recommendation. I checked their website and they are pretty far from me. The local shop near me is a great shop with a good supply. Here is their website

Master Er

New Member
I've been there too, I bought my capnella from marine scene....nice place and lots of nano frags....and the sales persons are very'd feel guilty not to buy anything.