There are lots of others.
Use the search function on all of them.
So far all you've done is say that you're new, and that you want info? Well that's all these sites are a tool for sharing info, stories, pics etc....on this hobby. If you can be more specific as to what topic you're looking for information on perhaps people can help you out. There are tons of newbie faqs on these sites as well, on tank setup, maintenance, lighting, water parameters, clean up crews, etc...
Take your livestock back. Go buy some more live rock. Put it in your tank, turn your lights off and leave your pumps running. Go to your local discount book store and buy some books on saltwater aquariums. Try to only buy books written in the last 4-5yrs. Do a weekly water change, and read, read, read for the next 2-3 weeks. Do a few water tests to get in the habit, and to check and see how your cycle is progressing. When that's all done, go back to the store and pick out some appropriate critters now that your water parameters have settled down and won't kill them.
Sorry if this sounds snarky, but any saltwater tank, and especially reef tanks are not gold fish bowls. You can't just add water and a fish and have it survive for any real amount of time. Would you go out and buy a hedgehog or a ferret without doing some research?...Well this hobby is much more expensive and complex than those critters are. It's time to do some more research before you end up wasting a ton of money, and killing a lot of livestock. Everyone on here, and on most of the other boards are willing to help, but we've also spent considerable time making sure that info is easy to find for newbies. All you need to do to find most of it is use the search functions.
Try not to get discouraged, but this hobby requires quite a bit of patience to be successful.