New tank

sam crossland

New Member
Hi guy's just bought a new tank that is using biological filteration. It's my first attempt at marine. I am going to fill it with water add correct levels of salt put my sand in and live rock then cycle for 2-4 weeks. Is this information correct? also I have been told to boil my filters once a week to keep nitrates and down do a 20% water change per week. Can you help and confirm this is all correct and is there anything i've missed? cheers


New Member
A cycle may last just a few days or a few weeks... it depends on various things. The best way to tell when the cycle is complete is to purchase a good test kit and test for nitrates, nitrites, and ammonia.

If you are referring to the sponge filters, you should only need to rinse them well in some RO water or saltwater. I would suggest doing this as frequently as possible... at least once a week, preferably more often.

The 20% water change suggestion is pretty accurate... some, including myself, do a little more.

Got a heater? Hydrometer or refractometer? Test kits? Buckets? All very important!

Good luck and keep us updated on your progress!


BTW, :welcome to if I havent already.