new set up - please comment


New Member

I am working on setting up a nano reef 20g aquarium. Here is the hardware that I am planning to use:

-20g glass aquarium (already purchased)
-130W Lunar Aqualight by Coralife (already purchased)
-Glass top (alrady purchased)
-maxi jet 600 powerheads x2 (already purchased)
-jager heaters 2x 50W (already purchased)
-Eheim Aquaball Internal filer for mechanical and carbon filtration (still deciding)
-CPR AquaFuge 2 Hang on Refugium with Protein Skimmer (still deciding)

Do you guys think this will be a OK setup? Any changes that anyone could recommend? I will only have the Eheim Aquaball 2210 for the mechanical filtration will it be enough? It is rated for up to 42g.

Any suggestion and/or help please let me know.


well if your looking for opinions:
- skip the glass top, i don't care for glass tops - they trap heat, collect condensation and salt creap
- i would choose something other then the aquaball internal - HOBs are easier to mantain and therfor you'll do it more often
- if you do a refuge skip the HOB and add a mech filter to it after the skimmer to trap bubbles and whatever, you can also run phosban and carbon in there if set up right
lighting is OK but my aqualight just died on me 1 year to date - not happy - but since you have it already hopefully yours lasts longer then mine did
- get one more MJ and a natural wave timer and you'll have enough flow
- i like the 2 smaller heater plan, i have 2 in my 125 for saftey, its a good idea, just put them in the fuge if you canso they are not in the tank
otherwise your off to a good start


New Member
Thank you very much for the feedback. If I remove the glass top should I replace it with some other cover, or should i just live it open? I will have some fish so I wonder if these will jump out or not. In order to fit a mechanical filter in the refugium I will need to get the Eheim powerline 2048 it is narrow enough to fit in, the Eheim aquaball will not fit because it is 4". Would that be enough mechanical filtration? It does 159gph.


New Member
It kinda depends on what fish you end up with. There are fish that arent prone to jump, ie clowns, and fish that are very prone to jump, ie firefish. Many reefers run their tanks topless... myself inculded. You will get more evaporation but this helsp to keep a lower temp. Just make sure to top off daily with RO or RO/DI water to keep the salinity stable.

As far as the filter situation, like john said you can add some filter media to the aquafuge usually... both mechanical (filter pad after the skimmer to do double duty, cut down on microbubbles coming in to the tank as well as mechanical fitlering) and chemical ( a pouch of carbon and maybe even a phosphate media). This would eliminate the need for the powerball alltogether.
