New Quarantine tank advice wanted


New Member
After losing my 2 fish to ich in my main tank i have been out and brought a small quarantine tank. i have added salt water and added 1 piece of live rock, it has a niagra filter and light - i'm not adding live sand.

How long would you recommend running it for before adding 2 gobie fish? Shop suggested 2 weeks? Its 3 years since i started my tank which is running fallow for a while and cant remember how long i waited the first time. Any advice for starting a quarantine tank?


New Member
No, only a cleaner shrimp, emerald crab and hermit crabs in there. I'm going to start testing the water tonight. See how its doing. thank you for responding. I wasnt sure if maybe i should add a little hermit to pick the rock once the ammonia spike has gone down? Ive since read that i should have run the live rock under tap water to kill any bugs, dont think i did that first time either? Would you?


New Member
I don't really QT fish unless there's other fish in the tank. The QT process is very stressful for a fish and can make a disease they are already fighting take hold. I would have a hospital tank going so that if a disease does present, they can be moved over for treatment, since you don't want to treat in the main tank. But, there are no fish in there to get diseases from the fish... soooo, I wouldn't do it, unless you had fish in the tank already.