
New Member
I know that I have had more then the usual problems, but I have another.
I have debris floating all over the tank. I have removed the bioballs and there is nothing left to filter the water. How can I get rid of all this floating around in the water? It is very distracting and annoying to the tank. It looks like snow. I have siphoned the sand to remove any particles but this is not working. All of my rock is getting covered with the debris. HELP!


New Member
Very easy for me actually. I just put a sponge in my filter for 24-48 hours. Hell, any good mechanical media works for debris in my tank.

I'm curious... how long has the tank been up?... Is it a long-established tank that just suddenly came up with a bunch of debris without changing anything in your weekly routine?


New Member

My tank has been running since Dec. 21. I have had this problem since then. Where do you put the sponge? I left the sponge between the second chamber and the pump chamber. I have Chemi-pure in the first chamber.


New Member
I don't have the Biocube, I use a canister and HOB's.

You want your water to go through mechanical media first so it gets to your chemical chamber free of debris. Don't force your chemical media (chemipure/carbon) to do the mechanical filtering for you... make the sponge do it's job and put it in the first chamber your water hits.

Also, you may want to check out the different filter flosses out there that'll pull free-floating debris much better than sponges. Good thing about sponges is that you just need to keep rinsing it and it'll last almost forever.