New Nano Tank- Boyu HS -60


New Member
Hi guys,

This is my first time writting a post, so nice to meet you all:bigthumup:

I am about to invest in a nano tank and i am stuck between two models, first is the JBJ 28G nano cube and the other is the Boyu HS-60 which has a few more features than the nano cube... however i do not know anyone who had bought the Boyu version, and im not sure how reliable it would be?

Another option i would consider is to buy an older flourescent bulb JBJ 28G nano and upgrade the hood to LED's from As JBJ are charging £450 ( about $850) for the upgrade LED hood which is far to pricey.

Let me know what you think guys! have a look at the link:


New Member
I really like that Boyu tank. Looks like a great starter and waaaaaaay more room than a JBJ. My vote is for the Boyu! :thumbup: