New Nano (FW)


New Member
Hi Guys here is our new nano. I got it for my wife she wanted a Betta. He is kind of cool but does not move aroud much. My wife wants to setup a plannted FS tank someday as well.




New Member
Is that plant live or fake? If it is live, your gonna want a light like the Azoo Palm light or similar. Cute though, I have a 3/4gallon red sea with a beta, they are cool.



New Member
i remember having my betta as my first fish, i thought they were awesome, nice tnak btw. :langle

Hope everything goes well with your new fish


New Member
reefman23 said:
Is that plant live or fake? If it is live, your gonna want a light like the Azoo Palm light or similar. Cute though, I have a 3/4gallon red sea with a beta, they are cool.

Just a fake one Jesse.



Staff member
Bettas are great first freshwater fish. I also still hold an affinity for a nbicely planted freshwater tank, they may not be as bright and colorful as a reeftank but they are still quite beautiful when properly aquascaped.


New Member
Not meaning to be controversial, but i really feel stongly against keeping bettas in this size tank alone...
The reason i say this is because i've had, and heard of many bettas going "mad" and eating their own tails (presumed due to boredom and lack of entertainment) the only time i feel something like this is acceptable, IMO, is when there is another betta nearby for flaring matches to keep the betta occupied...
But, he is a lovely looking betta and he does indeed match the gravel nicely, but please if you do have a bigger tank, move him...

N.B. This is not meant to cause offese i'm just expressing my opinion