New nano 40 watt or 80?


New Member
I just about have a new tank togeather for the move I'm making except for the light. I need to choose between a 40 watt 10000k and 460 nanometer actinic or an 80 watt 10000k 6700k and dual actinic 460nm and 420 nm of which I have no idea of what I just said. Any and all suggustions will be greatly appreciated. This light will be on a ten gallon plain black tank.


New Member
What size is the tank you do you have ? What kind of bulbs NO VHO, or PC
if it is PC I would say go with the 80 watts . What you are refering to in the 460nm has to do with the wave length of the lights I think any way if you go with more you will probably have better penetration of the water and would be less restricted in what you keep keep in mind you may need to add fans to help with temp control :) Just my .02 hope this helps you some
I will look for a link to help explain it a little clearer than what I have

here is one more link that also may help a bit
I think hello lights explains it to a degree that is why I am putting their link. here


New Member
I have the dual current 2x40 watt and it came with one 40 watt 10,000k/6,700k and one 40 watt 460nm/420nm (i think). I just replaced them with dual smartpaqs which are half 460nm and half 10,000k. I prefer the look of the smartpaqs, more of a crisp white/blue look. But definetly go with the dual 40 watt, which i think is what you are asking. I also think that you are refering to the Current USA dual satellite 2x40. If so, keep in mind that it can be challenging to find the replacement bulbs in fish stores. Ive had to order them from , but they are usually on sale there anyways, thus they are usually cheaper than any fish store will sell them for.


New Member
Thanks sadie and reefman for replying. It's the busy season for my jobs and I haven't time for anything. Today is thursday and I have 66 hours in. going to bed.