New Mushrooms!


New Member
I just added 3 mushrooms to my 10 gallon. They are the red kinds, nothing too fancy, and were runnign for about 3 bucks a piece at the LFS. I couldn't resist. What's the best care for these guys?

They were not mounted so I ended up attaching them to pieces of rubble i had laying around using a cheesecloth (I sandwiched the mushies between a piece of cheese cloth and the rock, and secured with a rubberband). I don't have any superglue, so I thought this would be a good temporary hold until they attach themselves to the rock. I currently run 2 20 W Powercompact 50/50 bulbs so I have 40 Watts total (4W/gal).

Currently I have them placed near the bottom of my tank away from any significant water flow. Any other care suggestions/tips from you experienced shroomies and reefers would be much appreciated!

I'll take pictures as soon as I find my camera charger. it always manages to run away from me... bah


New Member
I think what you are doing is fine and using super glue gel will be a waste of time cause shrooms have really slimy body and will not attach with glue so keep them in a low flow area with a piece of rock so they can attach them selfs just like your doing and well they are easy to take care of them they will get their food from your water but you're consern about feeding them add some phytoplanckton but once in a week.


New Member
I've never had to feed my shrooms. You should be able to place them in a lower flow area, moderate light and they'll be fine!


New Member
thanks y'all. I can't wait to take the "bandages" off so i can see them really good :) they look ggreat through the cheese cloth. I know it's bound to get better