New Marine Keeper Need Help Please


New Member
hello im new to keeping marine fish so far i went out and braught a brand new tank and well so far thats all i have lol

i have a 4ft square fish tank i want to turn it into a nice marine tank i knwo it will take months and i have ltos of time on my hands...

anyways i have been through lots of psots fourms everything but noen of em say what equipment u specificly need :cryinga:

so can you tell me what i need? i know i need a realy big filter for a 4ft tank (i found a nice one for 100 pound) btu what else do i need?


New Member
Sorry for late reply, I'm rarely here. If you still here, can you use more easily readable text for all of us, who are not accustomed with shorthand type you are using?

Now some answers.
Depending on chosen configuration, for example, tank 100 gal (380 liters) will require pumps (or, if it's sumpless, powerheads and/or power filters, rated for this size of the tank, even more) to ensure sufficient water flow. Water flow, depending on type of inhabitants, should be from 8 to 40 times tank volume per hour. Skimmer, more than rated by manufacturer for these tanks, will be nice. Heater 250W or so. Lighting 250W metal halide, if possible.

Only this tank is not exactly nano :)