New live rock


New Member
Corraline algae in the first??

Maybe a feather duster in the second?

Sponge in the third?

No clue on the last. Maybe some form of a macro algae.

I'm not the greatest on IDing. :razz:


New Member
Pic 1)Is the object in that first picture soft/flshy? It looks like it may be a carnation coral??

Pic 2)I agree with Tim that it looks like a feather duster??

Pic 3)Are the objects in photo 1 and 3 similar?

Pic 4)No clue either.



New Member
Pic 1, looks like a coralline algae.

Pic 2, I agree with Tim, it looks like a feather duster.

Pic 3, I cant make out, but sponge sounds reasonable, unless it looks like pic one.

Pic 4 I would guess macro algae, or an abandoned tube from a worm.


New Member
Yup, I think 4 is a sponge. I used to get them all the time but they were bright green. I think it's one of those. Harmless for your tank.