New here...


New Member
Just wanted to give a small introduction. I just started my first SW tank a few weeks ago. It is a 20g Long and is cycled and partially stocked with cleanup crew. I have kept FW tanks for several years and aways had an itch for SW and i finally took the leap. Well I guess that's all I have for now...carry on


New Member
Hi Trogdor and welcome to :gh:

I have a 20 as well. It a great size and I think you'll be happy with the L. I have a H and I wish I had the L. So much more room and shallower so your reef is closer to the light. Keep us updated!


New Member
here are some photos of the's about 4 weeks old
BTW...I have new lights coming Friday so the NO 15w lights are heading to storage.



New Member
Nice lights. Very similar to what I've got on my 20H. I bet you don't even notice the diff. in your bill. PCs aren't too bad with that :D


New Member
I received the lights today and boy do they make a difference. I spotted a few ricordia buds that I couldn't see with my other lights. The actinic lights are amazingly blue. I give the lights 2 thumbs up...

:buttrock: :gunner: :thumb: :thumb:


New Member
I will have some pics up tomorrow night or Sunday as we have a wedding to photograph this weekend and batteries are charning and CF cards are formatted.


New Member
Thanks...that bud wasn't the 'freebie'. I found about 3 on the underside of the rock that it came on along with 3 featherdusters...hehe Those 3 are mostly white right now and pretty small. I have found that my nass. snails are either reproducing or i picked up some baby hitchhikers. I found 2 babies crawling around last night.