New Heater


New Member
im planning on gettign a real heater for my 5 gallon now that im adding about 7-8 gallons of extra water volume in the form of a 10 gallon fuge..

what brand do you all consider the best/safest? i know there have been some problems with breaking glass on heaters and that pretty much destroying the tank... and seeing as i go away fairly often for the night or for a weekend i want to be able to trust it...

i found this brand that has a stainless steel probe that goes underwater and transmits the heat... which seemed good to me because the steel wont break like glass...

a quick response from as many of you as possible will help as im trying to beat the free shipping deal on (i know there is a week left, but the sooner i know the better)


p.s. 100 watt heater for a ~13 gallon water volume is good right?


New Member
well my display operates without a heater (really because i think the POS thing i have now does nothing) and fluctuates a lot over a 24 hour period.. i know this is bad, but i havent seen any ill effects and i honestly dont have room in my display for a heater... so i want to add one for the added water volume because i know it will need it..

my room is generally between 65 and 70 so it keeps the temps down during the day when the halide is on to around 78... but at night it drops down to like 70-72 which i know is bad more for the swing than for the actual temp


New Member
well they have the stealth and not the finnex... so that is number one right now...

ive heard good things about jager, anyone use that? it still has a glass tube but its pirex so its supposedly stronger...


New Member
the jagers are the most reputable company out there...definetly one of the best. And yes, the glass is Pyrex which does add some strength.
