New bubble tip


New Member
Its been a while since i posted. The octopus is alive and well, for those who wanted to know.

Heres some new pics of a bubble tip we picked up a while ago



New Member
Ill try to get some soon. he's really very inquisitive now, so it shouldnt be hard. I wish my camera could catch the fluorescence of the anemone a bit better, in the light its a bright green color!


New Member
Here are some more of the BT, some of the octopus, and some of the clown hosting in the BT (he loves it! i wish my camera had a faster shutter speed though)



New Member
incysor said:
So you haven't had any problems with the octo trying to eat the clown yet?

Does the safety of the anemone keep him safe from the octopus or does it's skin hard enough where it doesn't feel the sting?


New Member
incysor and dragon

not sure why the octo hasnt tried to eat the clown yet. We havent had the BT for long, so i doubt thats whats keeping the clown safe. One would want to say they're like friends. But obviousy, especially as a bio major, i couldnt ever say that. The clown often gets very close to the octo, and at times (namely feeding times) the clown will "herd" the crab towards the octopus by scaring it over. A bit rediculous, but funny to watch. I think the real explination comes from the fact that the octo is well fed.

more pics to come, im sure

(next year we're moving the 10 into our 20)


New Member
heads up folks, im going home for the summer, there arent gonna be any pics for a while. The marine bio lab at my school is taking care of my tanks

I am going to india this summer to help with tsunami relief, so if you want me to post pics from that i can.

thanks for all your input
