New Barn Kitty


New Member
Anyone want a new barn kitty? I'd really like him out of my barn, he's a little too friendly :wink:



New Member
Whats that machine he is holding in his paws?

I can't really see the pic that well.

Don't have a barn, and wife is allergic, so
sorry but from me the answer will have
to be no.



New Member
It's a spring we tosed in to get him to vacate so we could feed. There's a pan with cat food that he's eating out of behind the spring. Needless to say it didn't scare him, we had to wait til he was done eating and leave before we could feed the animals. We've actually have seen him eating WITH the barn cats, I believe he believes he's a cat. We've been in the barn for a good 10 minutes (on a few different occasions) making all kinds of ruckus and he has, just as calmly as you please, walked out of his hiding place (within a few feet of us), looked as us, and just walked out of the barn. He's never sprayed us and I've actually caught him in a live trap and had to release him, and yet he still hasn't sprayed! Go figure!


New Member
Untill you told me what to look for I could not recongize it. Now I see it. Him not spraying you is amazing. Just remember even if you raised it from a wee little one, they keep thier wild instincts, so he is not totally tamed. He be good for the zoo, call them, it would rival the Gorilla smell at our zoo. :lol:



New Member
My son Nathan thought it was a new cat and was on his way to pet the new 'kitty' when my husband looked up and saw what had caught Nathan's attention. Luckily he caught up with him in time to prevent a dissaster.


New Member
It's pretty amazing that it hasn't sprayed anything...I think I'd try to chase it off with a supersoaker. The one I've got will shoot over 50ft, and it's a stream of water about the thickness of a nickel or quarter. The real cats certainly don't like it, maybe this one wouldn't either.



New Member
Well, just wanted to give an update: We still have the barn kitty!

We had a barn cat that had an accident the other night so we made him comportable in the barn. We walked out night before last to feed him some wet food and guess who strolled on up to us :shock: ???? I have never been so shocked! Needless to say, we got out of the barn, and the skunk got the food. I know that they don't see well but geez. Last night, I peeked over the half door before turning the lights on and who do I see????? Yep, right in the middle of the barn, I see a skunk bathing himself. At the other side of the barn my husband flipped the switch to turn the lights on, and what do you think the skunk did? :x Continued Bathing! Grrrrrr