New 28gal Nano Cube


New Member
Nice! I like the rock in front on the sand bed (looks like a great place for some green start polyps or other fast growing coral). What do you plan to stock?


New Member
Not sure just yet but I figure I still need to wait a couple of weeks before I have to decide but the green polyps sound like a good start.
I really didn't like the rockscape so I changed it some now it's a little higher in the back of the tank!



New Member
Added CUC 5 crabs, 5 snails today everything is going good!
Temp 76 - 78
PH 8.3
Ammiona 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 10


New Member
Yep! Love the corals! I also like bubble corals and frogspawn corals, just give a couple inches room around them for sweeper tentacles if you choose to add some.


New Member
Thanks Tim!
Yea I like frogspawn too and was thinking about adding one, but i am wanting to go slow so I am only adding one or two things at a time!
