Need Some Help - State Laws for Florida


New Member
Got a question for you all. Or a weird situation really.

What constitutes residency in Florida? What makes me a resident? A physical address, po box, house.. ?? I am trying to find out. I want to register my car in Florida, but live somewhere else.

Is that possible? Is it illegal for me to go to florida with an address that I get mail, register with their DMV and get tags, and all that and live in another state yet still hold residency down there as long as I pay all my yearly/monthly fees?

I am trying to make the system work for me. Looking for whatever advice you all have!


Staff member
IMO you have to live in the state for at least half of the year to be considered a resident. Just having an address isn't enough otherwise people would be renting PO boxes in states that have tax/insurance laws that better fit their needs. This is one area that I really think would not be a place to play around. If by any chance you are in the military I think its up to you which state you claim residency in.


New Member
Here is the scoop. I spoke with a very nice lady from the Florida DMV and here is what she said..

I can get a valid in Florida only license as well as register my vehicle in Florida and get plates and all that. I have a choice as to where I regsiter my vehicle due to my situation and she said it is not illegal to it either of the ways she mentioned. It's actually pretty normal for alot of people.

I have a residence in Florida and in another state. I split my time between the two of them. So I can have my car registred in Florida, yet live in another state.

So, I think I will do that. It's kinda cool actually. Live in one state, yet your car lives in another. :cool1:


New Member
I would go for whichever is cheapest! I know up north it costs load for your in FL, its $50, and of course you have to donate $25 to get the nifty reef plate!
