need more posts


New Member
I really like this site. I would like to enter next months contest. But I need a lot more post. So I'm at a loss for questions or topics or whatever. I need your help :doh It seem I really never have that much to say. I know I need to get out of my box. So I'm stepping out here.. Maybe someone could help me?


New Member
Victoria- ask anything you want. Have you ever been staring at your tank(of course you have) and wondered what would happen if...or could I out this in my tank...or I wonder if this would work. If not, then you have the perfect tank.j/k. Just saw some pics from your 29g nano, and great tank btw.
Go ahead, ask anything...


New Member
Lmao ... this is to funny ... post jumping :lol: i guess we do it once in a while and well you have plenty of time to get the post counts needed... tip for making more posts... give your point of view on other tanks, as setup or how nice their tanks or pics are or bringing other help on their questions or something like that is not hard really you'll see... just read and answer or share you opinion...



New Member
Hey Victoria, I know about the 30g tank but do you have one that is under 20g? The monthly contest is set up to be for tanks 20g and under.