Need help


New Member
I've been looking around and I understand most of the stuff i'm reading. I am considering seting up a 15 gallon tank and I was wondering why some people don't recommend glass heaters and how do put heaters in a filteras I have heard people using them to hide the heaters. How much light would be needed to have some soft corals i'm guessing around 65 watts.Any help would be great. kyle


New Member
I dont personally recommend glass heaters because if some live rock falls on it it can break causing a breech to the electrical componants ........ some fish in the bigger tanks can also bang them causing breakage ......... (some folks run glass heaters with no problems but not to long ago John one of our posters had his glass heater break for no apparant reason and some things in his tank died due to the break wether it was electrical , or temp swings I don't think he knows for sure here is the link for refrence )
as for the heater in the filter, that is how we have our 7 gallon set up, just place the heater into the filter and secure with the suction cups provided . The heater we us is the finnex 50 watt titanium .... it is about the size of a sharpie marker and the filter is the penguin 150 (I think) I had to cut the top of the filter (seprate part of the filter it in no way mods how it works ) to allow for the cord ...... I would recommend the satalite or a coralife fixture 96 watts to allow for a little more diversity in the corals ...... HTH :mrgreen: :welcome to nanotank


New Member far as lighting goes, that depends on exactly what kind of softies you are talking about, some need more light and some need less.

However, if I were to set up a 15g, I would go with the Dual Satellite 24" 2x65 watt PC fixture. ... 004+113345

When it comes to lighting, I am a big fan of, "buy what you want now, or else you are just going to buy it later." Even if this means saving up a little longer.

Some people make the mistake of sort of skimping in the beginning (understandable), but this almost limits you later. With a fixture like the dual satellite, you will have much more flexibilty now AND later.

Hope this helps,



Staff member
I have to agree,buy as much lighting as you can now so you don't have to upgrade later. What are the dimensions of the 15 you are talking about (is it a 15 high or regular)? One is 20" long and the other is 24", this will have an efect on the light fixture you can use.

BTW :welcome to nanotank! :snap:


New Member
sadielynn said:
I dont personally recommend glass heaters because if some live rock falls on it it can break causing a breech to the electrical componants ........ some fish in the bigger tanks can also bang them causing breakage .........
First of all Welcome aboard and i agree with sady they're some kind of dangerous and when you're a bigginer there is a chance that the heater gets brake when moving LR or when by accident you filter is turned off and there is no water and might brake with the cold wind that almost happend to me but it just crack so had to go.... here is the one im using and i like it a lot and is plastic check it out: ... 9071254878

about light dont know that part still bigginer :anxious

ed :cool1:


New Member
IMO, the best heaters out there are the titanium heaters...they are more expensive bbut they will run precisely for many many years.



New Member
I have glass heaters in all my tanks. I have never had a problem. I pull the heater out before I move my rocks around.
