thanks jonh! :maitre you been a great help and teacher as well!!!!!!!!
but one more thing buddy-
when i got home last night--the xenia which i said was dying--died!
it completly disappeared--all i found was a couple of little pieces of the tip(pulsing flowers tips) around the tank floor--its like it disappear or something-i only have a 10 gal so it isnt that hard to hide but who knows--i did a water change cause i noticed the ammonia was a slight bit darker than usaual--in between 0 - 0.5. hopefully it will all be ok
the other xenis seems to be doing great though- you think the xenia might have been the cause of the amm going up a bit? i think so
well thanks for all your help-in regards of me fragging-lol lets see what happens - i will try it in due time-im scared --

but i will do it