need help with xenia


New Member
hey guys--for some reason one of the two of my xenia stem seems to be dying. the other stem seems to be doing great - what should i do? im scared that the dying xenia might pollute my fish tank?


boy thats a tough call, exactly what does it look like? How long have you had it? Is it captive breed or wild caught? Is there any coral that could be touching it including sweepers at night? how about tank things like water quality - sometimes even a slight change in pH will mess with them. Also current is a pump blowing too directly on one side more then the other. If it is just closed up and not opening I wouldn't mess with it, I would do a water change and watch it closely. If it starts to actually melt or if you see any sign of brown jelly infection cut off the bad stem and get it out of there. The healthy part should be OK. Zenia are finicky for some reason they either spread like weeds or die off. Noone knows for sure why - some suggest iodide sups help others say no. Sorry can't be more help.


New Member
no--you been a great help!!!!!!!

i think it might have been that last week i bought a watchman goby and after putting the fish in my tank-my ammonia went up to 0.5 and my p.h shifted to 8.0
i have had it for like a month now
this might have been the cause? its not like melting of anything though

its jus really small but its not like decomposing-there no sign of jelly or slime

you think i should leave it alone or should i slice it off ? if slice it off with a razor right at the end of the stem which is connected to the rock -correct?
will it leave a piece on the rock? will that be bad?


yep - likely - people sometimes don't realize the effect one more critter can have on a nano- the system was in balance now it has to do a mini recycle to adjust
If there isn't any slime or decomp just let it be - it should recover. If you have to cut it yea a razor works well and if tank conditions are good any tissue left will regrow.


New Member
ok--this may sound dumb but the piece thats left behinh on the rock--does that piece like ozzzes anything or does the left over tissue get slimy or something-i never cut or seem a coral get fragged before-


It may ooze a little as it deflates and releases water et al, but zenia shouldn't slime. Its a good idea to change water, carbon or both if you do a lot of in tank fragging to help remove some of the toxins that may be released due to the stress but zenia isn't supose to be as chemical as say leathers like sarco. I posted a couple pics a while back on fragging and I just fragged a yellow sarco a week or so ago but I don't know if I have any pics of me cutting zenia. I'll try to post some pics of zenia soon - I need to cut some anyway so I'll be sure to take some pics


New Member
okay-another dumb question--why does one frag--- why?
to sell the pieces or to keep the xenia/corals under control?

once they get big or all over the place you just frag coral-such as mushrooms-polyps-??? by sliccing them and moving them elsewhere in the tank?

it seems so new and scary to me to slice my mushrooms?



I frag for lots of reasons. Some corals such as your zenia (mushrooms, star polyps, my capnella) spread so quickly that if I don't keep them cut back they will take over my tank and be in other corals space and someone will lose. Some corals like my lobo and my sarco are so large (10" tall and nearly 12" across) that I have to frag to keep them from touching others. Some I frag cause I want to put them somewhere else in my tank or in a diferent tank. And some corals I frag specifically to trade, my yellow sarco is kinda "valuable" as a trading piece and I'm going to a frag swap in a few weeks and I wanted to have at least one of them to trade. I forget who, but someone had an excellent post a week or so ago showing their monti that was gettin too big for the nano and needed to cut it back. Fragging is awesome way to share and aquire corals that do well in reef tanks.
Don't worry about cutting your shrooms. If they are healthy. dividing on their own, and your tank conditions remain stable it is not a problem. Simply slide a sharp razor under tha cap and cut the pedal base as close to the rock as you can and reattach it either using any of the methods that have been discussed in this forum. Have fun and good luck to both you and your corals. :)


New Member
thanks jonh! :maitre you been a great help and teacher as well!!!!!!!!

but one more thing buddy-
when i got home last night--the xenia which i said was dying--died!
it completly disappeared--all i found was a couple of little pieces of the tip(pulsing flowers tips) around the tank floor--its like it disappear or something-i only have a 10 gal so it isnt that hard to hide but who knows--i did a water change cause i noticed the ammonia was a slight bit darker than usaual--in between 0 - 0.5. hopefully it will all be ok
the other xenis seems to be doing great though- you think the xenia might have been the cause of the amm going up a bit? i think so

well thanks for all your help-in regards of me fragging-lol lets see what happens - i will try it in due time-im scared --:) but i will do it


sorry, it died - hopefully it is not a tank issue and the rest will make it.
likely - it sounds like your tank can use a little more time cuz the bacteria were not able to respond quickly to the death hence the ammonia spike
believe it or not some of those tips may attach and grow into colonies if water quality is kept high.
one last comment on fragging I thought about today with shrooms, is a way to help them divide faster. I don't do this very often any more because the darn things split often enough in my tank, but if you instead of cutting it off to move it like I described before you cut its cap like from the mouth out through the edge one will generally become two. But as always your tank has to be stable to do any of this.
glad to help :)