NBA Playoffs --> Who are you pulling for?


New Member
Man, the playoffs are really heating up. I was just watching the Sac vs Minn game 6. Its getting really physical and KG just got an elbow to the face and Christie got smacked too.

I guess I'm pulling for Sac since SA is out.


New Member
I'd like to see Malone with a ring but damn Shak and Kobe, they win so many last second games it's crazy. I still can't tell if they're really that good or just damn lucky.

LA needs to have their ego's deflated. Next to them I can't stand them Oakland Raiders and their villianious band of criminal fans, esp when they come to town.


the finals

its gonna be pistons vs lakers...and im saying pistons in 7!!!


New Member
Both Wallaces need to come out to play! I'm not feeling too good about it though. I say just give Malone and Payton their rings and let them go off into a retirement home together and never come back to basketball again.


New Member
William Wallace needs to return and take Shaq and Malone out at the knees. That'd be really funny to see a Scot charge onto the court in a kilt and start hacking at the knees of those two with a big ass sword.


big ben will punk shaq :D as for kobe.....i can only say r.i.p HEHEHHEHE GO PISTONS GO