Nanotank Frag Swap - Signup Quick!


New Member
Hey all,
Jennie has been kind enough to organize our first frag swap and the deadline is soon approaching. Frag swaps are an easy and inexpensive way to add some variety to your tank. With USPS Priority Shipping around $6, thermos trading is the most economical way to go. See the link below to see what others have to offer and to signup:

If this one has good participation, we will do one next month as well. :strip


New Member
You know I'm in Jennie. I guess I will bring up the rear and trade with you unless someone else signs up. I'm ready for some new frags! :razz:


New Member
I think we ended up with four or five total. Would be nice if everyone involved posted pics of their new corals after the trade.

So how many did we end up with Jennie?