nano7joy's Lil 7galon minibow


New Member
This tank has been set-up since 2001
Has a 32watt lighting mod and some Giant mushrooms false perc ywm gobbie , pep shrimp and a pistol shrimp that hitched in from the very begining

big shroom



Staff member
:welcome to the board!
That is one big mushroom you have there, have you ever tried or thought about fragging it?


New Member
Nope Ive never seen it done with shrooms, but have heard it sugested. Im currently offering it up through local clubs here in the St.Louis area up for trade hopin to clearup room for some Zoos or Ricks since this very happy monster and his not so little relatives love to steall all the light and space in the tank if given the chance.


i think its cool to have a nano like that - a display of an awesome specimen


New Member
:welcome to Nanotank!

Wow, what a shroom!

Very nice tank, love the way the shroom steals the spotlight!



New Member
totally cool shroom :shock:
do give a thought on fragging that more people can have a chance & having a shroom soo cool as that even some of us on the west coast would be envious to have a specimen as that :twisted: :maitre


New Member
btw what type of shroom is that & how long has it been in your tank to get that size again totally awsome :shock: :cool1:


New Member
Ive allways just concidered it a green hairy have allso seen some called frilly but have no idea what the scientific name maybe. Well some one else is gonna have the chance really soon to have this monster as u my be able to tell from the pic there are about half a dozen lil clones in there also and the big one and several of them are going to a local frag swap on the 27th if I dont get a better local offer (why deal with shipping unless there is a offer that i cant refuse)before then.

ANother pic

Ive had these shrooms for at least 3 or 4 years

Thanks tho for the compliments


its likely Amplexisis fenestrafer ie "elephant ear" but there are a few rhodactus species that get quite large as well and are called "frilly shrooms"
do you feed it mysis shrimp? its one of the few shrooms that actually like to be feed


New Member
Ive had elepahants ears in clients tanks that would well be very agressive and this guy doesnt act the way they do. Im pretty shure that theses guys are of the genus rhodactis "shroom" and are indeed hairy or frilly another board that iv ben posting in has several member that have confirmed this by stating they also have some "bigguns' :lol: