Nano Cube problem


New Member
I have a twelve gallon Nano Cube for about 12 weeks and yesterday I noticed no water flow. Took out the pump and the shaft on the propeller had broken in two due to RUST! If they are all made like this you better have a back-up pump. Lost the receipt so I put in a mini jet with 84-159 gallons per hour. Seemed to be a little strong so I have it turned almost all the way down. 25 dollar lesson.


New Member
Chubosco said:
I have a twelve gallon Nano Cube for about 12 weeks and yesterday I noticed no water flow. Took out the pump and the shaft on the propeller had broken in two due to RUST! If they are all made like this you better have a back-up pump. Lost the receipt so I put in a mini jet with 84-159 gallons per hour. Seemed to be a little strong so I have it turned almost all the way down. 25 dollar lesson.
yeah the stock one sucks, so the upgraded mini-jet is much better. I have one in my girlfriends tank, and one in my 6. In my 6 the flow is really good.