Nano Cube is overheating!!! HELP!!!


New Member
I have had my JBJ Nano Cube 12 gallon up and running, and I did DIY light mod so I have about 76 watts in the hood. However, they are running very hot, and I'm afraid of overheating my tank, burning electrical wires, etc. I was wondering whether anyone has had the same problem and if anyone has tried reversing the fans to blow in and push the hot air out?? ...or does that make any difference. Has anyone tried upgrading to stronger fans. I'm looking for some solutions from other Nano Cube owners! Also, does cooling the hood have any effect on cooling the water? :? :?


New Member
that's hard when you did it yourself, as it wasn't tested for heating issues. You are kinda doing your own prototype, but it appear it's failing. The nanocube is delicate as it is, and they overheat, especially if you got the cube in dec. 2004. That pump in there is running hot, and it's a known issue. You may have to get another pump, and if you do, get one that's the upgraded one just above the stock one. As for your lights, if you can't figure to pull that temperature down, you'll have to order some like most members are doing. Just read up on Rbaby and mikeguerrero (my brother) they have ordered their lights and temperature has been pretty decent. 78-80 degrees around there. just curious about your high in temperature were you getting?


New Member
Actually my temperature were peaking around 81 and dropping to about 79 at night. I thought this was a little high, but the more I have read, alot of people keep there tanks at this temperature, so maybe I shoudn't worry so much. Thanks for the help, and I already have the mini jet pump so I will have to hook that up and see if it helps. Thanks for the info.


New Member
NY11 said:
Actually my temperature were peaking around 81 and dropping to about 79 at night. I thought this was a little high, but the more I have read, alot of people keep there tanks at this temperature, so maybe I shoudn't worry so much. Thanks for the help, and I already have the mini jet pump so I will have to hook that up and see if it helps. Thanks for the info.
Actually that's about standard for most reef tanks. You should think about ambient temp though. I've read lots of threads about folks in places like San Francisco, and Chicago, that set their tanks up in the fall, and it was running at those temps, and everything was fine, but then when the summer hit, their tanks fried. (Because AC units aren't used as much as here in Houston.)

If you can keep your ambient temp about the same year round then you'll do fine with your tank running about where it is.

Having one fan push fresh air into the hood, and one sucking air out is more efficient than having both blowing in or out BTW.
