yeah you right jesse about poly filter and chemipure ... but i fix it know... but at the same time i was right but i fix it on how ofter do i change it .. but well i mentioned poly every 1-2 weeks cause i do it everyweek but sometimes i forget :lol: same as chemi pure...every 3 months but when i forget i go like 3-5 months lol.... :lol3:
When fresh water or marine fish and invertebrates are taken from their natural habitat and maintained in a captive condition in an artificial closed system, water quality becomes the most critical factor affecting their health, longevity, and survival.
With the addition of Chemipure many of our customers enjoy fewer necessary water changes. It's ability to sustain and stabilize higher water quality over longer periods makes it quite popular win both fish only and reef tanks.
CHEMI-PURE removes the ammonia and other nitrogenous waste products so harmful to both marine and fresh water fish. Another words Chemi-pure brings the natural sea into your home.
Marine fish - Soft corals - Crustose Coralline Algaes - Caulerpas - Gorgonias - Seafans - other invertebrates and fish of all species thrive and grow luxuriously with no water change necessary using real sea water or the better imported mixes.
Not just a company a claim, but a fact, experienced by thousands of Chemi-pure users. In fact, salt water fish have spawned repeatedly in 5 year old water. Chemipure does not remove trace elements and is the only filter medium which aids in the natural balance of positive and negative charges, with an emphasis on the beneficial negative ion. Chemipure comes packaged in pure polyester filter bags in sealed plastic bottles, called 1 unit, one of which is recommended for up to 40 gallons of water, and which is completely active for 4-6 MONTHS with no 'regeneration' or cleaning required and is cheaper than carbon or pads.
Benefits of Chemi Pure
Longer Life - Fish often live three to four times longer than in any other closed system, fresh or marine.
Necessary Organisms - Allowed growth with no danger of pollution.
Removes Offensive Odors
Real Sea Water or Artificial Sea Water
Removes Toxic Elements - Including Copper & Phenol
No water changes Nescessary - for at least 5 years (length of test only) .
Crystal Clear Water - Always sparkling blue-white water
No Cleaning - Necessary for health of fish.
Constant PH - Always within the safe range
No Osmotic Shock - 90% eliminated
Economical - Replacement only every four to six months makes initial cost very low - eliminates expensive water changes - fewer losses.
Multipurpose chemical filter media helps improve water quality and clarity
Highly adsorbent pads remove ammonia, heavy metals, phosphate, and more
Cut to any size or shape to fit any fresh or saltwater aquarium filter
Highly adsorbent chemical filter media pads quickly and efficiently remove impurities, medications, and phosphate from aquarium water. Use in conventional power filters, undergravel filters, and the chemical filtration compartment of canister filters. Simply cut to any size or shape to custom fit any aquarium filter. Rapidly improves water clarity and actively removes harmful organic and various inorganic waste buildup for several months. Changes color to indicate the pollutants being removed and when Poly Filter is exhausted. Will not leach pollutants upon saturation. (See the Test Kit section for phosphate and copper test kits to help monitor levels.) Industrial grade 12" x 12" Poly Filter pad is stronger and more adsorbent. Used by researchers, hospitals, etc. A great size for wet/dry filters or larger canister filters where the smaller pad is just not enough. For freshwater and marine aquariums.
Pollutants Being Removed
Free Copper ions
Normal organic load
Heavy organic load
Poly Filter Removes:
Harmful Organics
Toxic Ammonia and Nitrite
Heavy Metals
All Forms of Phosphate
Medications after Treatment