Nano Cube 24g


New Member
Hi Guys, my first post!! I've been reading through various posts, and just wanted some clarification on setting up my new tank!

I've not kept marines before, but have had freshwater for sometime! So I have just splashed out on a 24g nano cube. Tank arrived yesterday, and all I have done so far is put the stand together!! What I wanted to know is the best route to take with the initial set up. I don't know whether to remove the bioballs and ceramic rings, as various reading has suggested these are unnecessary if using live rock and sand (which i intend to get!).

Also I'm unclear as to the heating of this tank - do i need to get a separate heater - if so any recommendations? I am in the UK!!


New Member
Yes you'll need a heater and you should be able to get one at the same place you bought the tank.

there are so many different ways to set up your tank. Go to the do it yoourself forum and look at the modded 12dx sticky. you might get some ideas from that.

good luck and :welcome to nanotank.


Staff member
:welcome to the board!
You will need a seperate heater, I am not familiar with whats available in the UK but try to get one that can be placed in one of the rear chambers so that its out of sight. You are also correct in not using the bio-balls and rings, the use of LR will give you plenty of biological filtration.