Nano 12 or 24?


New Member
I'm gonna purchase either a nanocube 12 deluxe or a 24 gallon nanocube.
I know the water quality will be easier to maintain in the 24, but it is much more expensive. Well the 24 gallon nanocube be worth the extra money, or would the nanocube 12 be just as easy to keep. Please give me an estimated cost of how much the 24 gallon nano would cost in the end including 36-40 pounds of gravel, live sand, salt mix, protein skimmer, enough corals to get me started and anything else you can think of to add on.

Thanks a bunch! Dillon


New Member
You are going to spend more on the 24 but can also have a more interesting range of inhabitants. If you do get a nanocube make sure it's a 2006 model. The 2005's had a habit of busting for no reason. (it has been fixed) HTH


New Member
yah thats right erik alot of people stated that the 24g always cracks or something similar .... but also they say that they already fix that error with the 2006 models but ill go for a 12g no matter what IMO......and about all the prices gosh maybe for start LS, LR, tank and water around 300 to 350.... and not need skimmer if you stick with weekly water changes .... and dont forget about waiting for your tank to cycle and thats just the cheap thing wait until you get corals that is the most expensive of everything ..... only in corals i spended so far.... around $450(just corals) .. or more ...


New Member
thanks I will definatly go for the 12 gallon deluxe 2006, especially after I saw that eddy spent 450 dollars on corals for his 12.


New Member
dont say that cause you can spend less on corals and make your tank beutiful is just that i been getting some really pricy zoos .. hard to find so that is the main issue that my amount is high and cause of some corals color the price is different when is about color....