My Sea Cucumber has a Clone????

Master Er

New Member
After going through some of the threads about sea cucumbers, I found out that they were pretty useless in the tank but are aesthetically pleasing to look at. Well way back before reading any threads I had already purchase a yellow sea cucumber. Its been in my tank for about 3 months now and something amazing happened to it. About 2 days ago it divided itself into 2. ??? The original 1" dude I have now has a 1/4 inch clone!!! Is this how they reproduce? If so should I worry about it multiplying again? I've read that these timid creatures are bad-ass dudes in releasing toxins that could do alot of damage to other livestock.....and now i've got 2 bad-ass cukes. Though I am amazed.


New Member
This is what I found out . If both halvs look normal and are acting normal then it split if you see tissue starting to "rot " or "die" then I would remove it . Here is the link to what I am referencing
Others may have more input or experience than I , as I have only seen 2 or 3 cukes in my lps oops here is the link.

Master Er

New Member
Thanks for the link Sadie....well so far the twins seem to be doing well and I dont see any lesions or rotting probably has healed, its now on its 3rd day...when I first spotted it, before it divided itself, I saw itself stretching, one part was on a rock and the other end was on another rock...I though it was trying to cross the gap between the two rocks.....I didnt know it was pulling itself apart...Lol!!! Really amazing how these timid creatures act. Thanks again. :D