my polyps are dying


New Member
I got a polyp rock a few weeks ago, and now all the polyps are dying. I have a 12 gallon JBJ nanocube. Its not the deluxe model but the one before that. the one with the 2 fans. The lighting 24pc. 50/50.
Someone suggested that they needed more current. Well I took off my diffuser and moved the rock. they are still dying. I have crabs and pepperment shrimp. But I didnt think they would bother them much. Any ideas? I seem to have this problem everytime I get any polyps. Mushrooms and finger coral are doing fine. Temp is 80 degrees.


New Member
what do your test perameters say
you may want to go to the lfs and have them test
maybe a 2 or 3 gallon h20 change what about other things in the tank shrooms other polyps maybe stinging them maybe move them
are you dosing any thing also
could some one have put something into the tank?

Sugar Magnolia

New Member
FWIW, peppermint shrimp will eat polyps, especially yellow polyps. I caught one I had a few years back ripping a yellow polyp off one of my rocks and happily munching away on it. For the longest time I couldn't figure out why my yellow polyps seemed to be dissappearing. :evil:


New Member
FWIW, peppermint shrimp will eat polyps, especially yellow polyps. I caught one I had a few years back ripping a yellow polyp off one of my rocks and happily munching away on it. For the longest time I couldn't figure out why my yellow polyps seemed to be dissappearing.
wow I have never seen or heard of that mine seem to wait till feeding and eat what is given I will have to keep a close ey on it...... On the other hand will a cleaner shrimp kill a peppy shrimp we just lost one of our peppy shrimps the other is just a baby and seems to leave the cleaner alone and our polyps alone too .... how old was your shrimp , or how big