This tank is about 3 weeks old with the sand and water. 1 week old with live sand. I just added another 5 lbs of rock and did a little rescaping... mainly providing caves for my fish and shrimp when I add them
looking great CLY and will look even better after you live stock it and also one question why are the cable ties for ....the ones on the rock???? and how did you do to keep the chaeto stedy over there....
Hahah the cable ties are to keep the rocks together so they don't tumble down when i add fish or add my livestock. They will be coered up eventually by coral. as for the chaeto...i think it's just caught in a dead spot gets enough water movement from the powerheads, but not enough to be blowing it around.
and yeah... my desk is messy... thank goodness you can't se my room! lol ;-)
WOW looking very nice rock work is awsome.
I love the cable tie idea and if you cant epoxy the rock as reefman suggested they will cover with time :mrgreen:
:cool1: I'm happy to announce the birth/ or hatching of a baby snail! lol it's much too young and too small for identification but i have a little critter the size of a tiny pellet grazing around on my glass. I tried to take a picture but it's much too small for my camera to focus on lol. :cool1:
I just added my first phase of cleanup workforce by introducing 3 mexican turbo snails to my tank. I can't wait to start livestocking! I'll probably start a journal with tons of pics to keep you all updated