my Nano experment


New Member
This is my 5 gal diy walmart special.

(you can look at the start-up at

Since then I have added a maxi-jet 600 with a spraybar that has made things a lot healthier and a hob for mech filtration. new Zoas and a clarki ( I know should be in just a 5gal) but new 24 in cycling so he can survive in there for a month or two. Also I inclosed the lights in the lid and has helped temps and evaporation. At two and half months this is still a great tank and I love all the little critters.

Fell free to ask questions or give opinions.




New Member
Very nice pitahall. I did a similar set up but with a eclipse 3. I also did the 18x2 pc from nanotuners as well. It worked out great. I can't believe that you were able to fit the lights with the original filtration :) . My only comment is scrapping algae. Since it's bow front, it takes a little longer to clean with the mag-float.


New Member
bad housekeeping

Well that didn't take long for someone to point out my poor housekeeping lol
the lights work great and it still had some room but I like them closed in better (no more wiping the bulbs everyday. I have been meaning to say thank you aquemeni for the idea and confidence to undertake this project as my first sw your 3 gal thread is great and the pictures are very helpful in showing how you did everything.
Did a wc and scrubbed every thing so here are more pics




New Member
Just a quick update the tank is doing good and not much has changed other then a different design for the spray bar. also finally found a piece of green star. good growth on erverything else. OH and some more rock from guam to be cured for the next tank. I love having I source for free base rock. Anyhow that is it for now I will try to get some pics up soon