being form the other side of the pond, I don't really know what's available to you there.
Other manufacturers that offer All-in-Ones are:
JBJ - They offer 6, 12,and 24 gallon models. All with 50/50 PC lighting and LED moonlight, standard.
Current: Offers 12 and 24 gallon models w/ PC lighting. Also available is a 70W metal halide lighting option on their 24 gal. model. Good for the more light demanding corals.
Oceanic: Offers 8, 14, and 29 gal. models, all with PC and moonlighting.
While these are the three most commonly available, you might want to Google Finnex and Cadlights.
While open top systems, both manufacturers offer models with integrated filtration and come with multiple lighting options.
Personally, I like the looks of the Cadlight systems. Very clean design.