My First nano (30ltr)


New Member
good looking tank. i would watch your nitrates carefully. the substrate looks rather large for a typical tank so you might get some detritus trapped in it, which can cause your nitrates to climb. looks like you're off to a good start


New Member
yeah i'm not so sure i like your choice of substrate either - it looks really neat but unless you have a ton of flow in there a year from now it will be full of detritus. now what effect that will have only time will tell - it could result in nitrate/phosphate build up as trogdor suggested.......... but depending on the direction and bioload of the tank you may be able to make it work - def a unique choice.......


New Member
Its an undergravel filter, thats why the substrate is large. sand would just mess the UGF up it would keep going through. I was hoping some one knew what those things were i will get them out. there is another pump in there that is on a timer it goes on sometimes in the day to help stop mess from collecting

Nitrates appear to be at 0

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