my first 12g nano reef


New Member
im starting off an new nano tank system. currently it's been up 2 month, and 1 week so far. i barely got mostly of the live rocks n corals at the warehouse store, becuz i didnt want to go to retail store and pay twice or even 3x more then the direct warehouse place. but most of the stuff i got are zoo's n others i dont know the name much but im new to this !!! =D

12g nano tank
jebo lighting system : 2x37 watts lights(one florescent light, and one blue)

u guys think this light is ok?

i'll keep u guys updated!!

if i need to do something with my tank, i hope you guys can help me also! what goes around comes around, good deeds will come +D too excited


New Member
Looks good. Keep an eye on that green macroalgae as it can become a nuisance.

Also you may want to look into zapping the little aiptasia that are growing on the rock too. Something like Joe's Juice usually does the trick.

:welcome to!



New Member
thanks! my second project would be perfect!!! cuz im learnning all the mistake i did for the first nano tank! reefman

thanks for the tip reefman!


New Member
hey. i'm looking into getting a 12g nano cube.. how much did you spend on yours when u first got it with all the rocks?