My aquapod 24 just set up


New Member
Hello everyone,
I finally took pics of my aquapod all setup. The pictures really don't do it justice though. My camera's not great at closer shots like this. I also posted these on another topic but I figured I'd share 'em here. Let me know what you think.



New Member
Very nice, I love how you have arranged your rockwork! There is alot of potential for coral placement the way you have it.

Can't wait to see this tank age!


New Member
I'm with Jennie on that one! We all know how hard it is to really capture the character of a rock structure in a picture. Your picture looks great and I bet that really looks awesome in person!

So what kind of corals are planning on stocking this with? Look great!


New Member
Thanks alot guys. I hope to put some zoas in and maybe a green torch, button polyp, trumpet, and plate. I'm not real sure yet. As expensive as corals can be, it's gonna be a nice slow process of additions. I just found a few that I really like the colors. If you guys have any other suggestions on beginner corals with moderate light requirements, I'm open to suggestions.

As for fish, I want to get a maroon clown, percula, yellow watchman goby, and a royal dottyback.
That's the plan so far. I'm gonna order a cleanup crew from drsfosterandsmith ( tomorrow. Any better suggestions on getting an online cleaning crew?
Thanks again


New Member
brose said:
As for fish, I want to get a maroon clown, percula, yellow watchman goby, and a royal dottyback.
That's the plan so far. I'm gonna order a cleanup crew from drsfosterandsmith ( tomorrow. Any better suggestions on getting an online cleaning crew?
Thanks again
All four fish or an either/or situation? Two of those four fish are very territorial and can cause problems with other tankmates.


New Member
Yeah I did some research on it and the maroon's out. I also bought my first fish for it today. It's a Strawberry Pseudochromis. I'll put some pics up soon. Now I'm thinking of also getting a pair of perculas and a bi-color blenny. Here's the OR situation... a pair of firefish and one percula also. What do you think about these? Also, should I start some corals soon too? What do you feed some of your corals like zoas, buttons, torches, and mushrooms?


New Member
Hi browse.... Well fist of all you should stick 2 fish and maybe on bottom fish a kind of goby...but you can push it to 3 fish and a bottom fish but is really risky...

the 2 clown pair with bi color blenny & chromis
clowns will over grow your tank size in 6 months and you'll have to take them back or trade in....other facts of clowns is that if not matted pair they will eventually attack each other after having them 1-2 weeks then one will die :sad: ...then when clown is to old lets say 6-8 months old it gets really agressive and territorial cause of tank space and will be bulling your chromis & Blenny.....Just a fair warning 1 clown,blenny & chromis OK (but your tank should be at least 5 months old.... and considering that some day clown will have to go)

Same as above if mated pair of firefish they will be fine even if not mated they might be ok depending on them cause sometimes will fight until one is dominant and kill the other one each fish has its own personality ...reefers may be able to keep 2 firefish in a small tank and some not!! and clown you know the problem already .... so 1 firefish, 1 clown & chromis OK....same requirement as above other thing like i say eventually the clown when it gets old might be alittle territorial and pic on firefish and other in tanks cause space is so small....

percula known as Peaceful mates but when they get big and old the get crancky and mean :mrgreen:

and about corals you can add them but slowly just give time to your system to get used to the new criter fish/coral/invert then u will be ok to add coral if cycle is completer .... and about feeding some target feed all its corals but you dont have to if you keep up with water changes and a prestine water ... water and light is all they need really ...and well also recommend to add some live plankton on the system 1 -2 times a week depending on corals and indications of bottle .. or some cyclop eeze to feed fish & corals at least 1 time a week (tiny pinky piece) and the corals will be fine!!! Not a biggy really corals are easier to keep and hardy than fish .... in my experience with them :lol:



New Member
Thanks for the advice Edgray... very helpful. I took your advice and got 2 fish and one bottom fish. I ended up doing the two clowns and just got them today. I got them young and small so hopefully they'll grow to be a mated pair. I also got a clown goby last night. I like all of the fish so far but the clown goby stays hidden all of the time. I think the chromis harrasses him. I saw the goby come out when the tank lights went off today but the chromis charged him out of his sight. One good thing is that the chromis seems to be scared of the clowns so far. Everyone's working well and everybody seems happy. The clowns and chromis are already eating and I don't know about the goby. Here's some pics on next post: