my 4 gallon nano


New Member
also im wondering wat corrals i should get im still pretty new to the hobby but my uncle has a 210 and ive helped him out alot with his tank but im just looking for ideas


New Member
Good start! For corals,LPS tanks look awesome! maybe some Acans, Hammers and Frogspawns. Duncans, and some ricordea on the floor. Personally though I keep Palys and Ric in my tank. I'm sure you can get some ideas by going to the photography thread and looking around.


New Member
sad news my neon velvet died the other day dont know what happened all the water levels were fine so who knows. i have added a green clown goby now and he is doin great. but i do have a question alex all i have on my tank right now with filtration is a hang on filter that has a sponge and a carbon cartridge and i was wondering if that is all i need for a 4 gallon or do i need more filtration and also i have the filters overflow turned to its highest and doest seem like its moving the water enough for oxygen flow should i get a airstone or something else open to all suggestions thanks.