My 12g - Pretty New


New Member
Hey guys! So my tank has cycled, ive had some life in it for a little while and I just added 9 lbs of rock! Id like to know what you think about my set up? Any suggestions? Ive got a blue damsel, a BCS, a sea slug, some feather dusters, have seen pods and a few mushrooms on a frag that I got from the store. (they are on the left)

Front View

View from the left

View from the right

And from the left side...


New Member
maybe create more height with the rock to create more caves/nooks for creatures to hang out in?

other than that it looks good to me.


New Member
yeah maybe a few more pounds of live rock. Be careful with the sea slugs. What kind is it exactly? Most have a very specialized diet which are usually unknown. For example, some only eat sponges, some only eat flatworms, etc. Plus, when they die they can release toxins.

Your tank is off to a good start. Just remember, patience and research prior to purchases are key things to remember.

BTW, :welcome to!



New Member
thanks guys! Its a lettue sea slug. It is non-toxic. I think I am going to take him back though because the lady at the pet store told me he would be fine, and then i found out that your not supposed to introduce them to new tanks. It eats algae and ive got some, but not a whole lot. Ive got to research more before I buy them, im learning I cant rely on the people at the pet store.


New Member
Yea I don’t really give too much credit to the fish store people unless I know they are reliable…

I went to a store I don’t usually go to just to look at frags and they guy asked what I was looking for an I explained I was working on a nano and he went on about how its only possible in a 10 gal+ with the sunpod fixture. Where as here I’ve seen everthing from .5 and up with all sorts of different lighting so anything is possible.

Sometimes it just feels like they want you to buy what they need to sell.


New Member
yeah - i have a really good store right by my house where the lady is very knowledgable and honest with me. she doesnt just try to sell me anything, shell tell me if she thinks it is going to die.