

New Member
hey guys will mushrooms and button /yellow polyps/ zoos sting eachother or kill each other if they grow to close to eachother like other corals?????


New Member
It depends on what kind of zoos, and what kind of mushrooms. Some seem to bother others more than others. I haven't kept yellow polyps so I can't really give you any input about them. I've got zoos and mushrooms and green star polyps all growing right up against one another with no problem, but I've had other mushrooms that were bothered by the star polyps, and/or the zoos, and vice-versa.



Yep, it really depends. I have some that touch (zoas that is) and don't seem to bother and some that kill. I have a purple rhodactis shroom that completely killed a green discosoma shroom that was growing to close. I had to cut and move some. The best advice is always though that no coral should ever touch another coral of a different species. Oh yea I almost forgot - yes you see pics with corals touching all the time in some peoples tanks - but corals have many ways of competing for precious growing space and in the long term - someone will lose. IMO