

New Member
hey guys-i was wondering if certain types of mushrooms dont get along with some polys

i currently have some green mushrooms. red one with little green spots ,and a red one which floats around my tank. i also have xenia and i have a tiny piece of rock with like 4 yellow polyps. theses are all compatible right? would there be a problem if i get button polyps?

another question? how do these corals start spreading around the tank? im so eager to see something like that--do they just grow anywhere like on rocks or even the sand??

thanks for any feed back!


of course jcs no coral should ever touch another but that being said I have different species of mushrooms and different colored zoas that have grown into contact with each other and don't seem to be effected too bad (???) As far as being tank mates however they all go well together. As far as the mushroom just floating around your tank tie that guy down - he needs to be attached. rubberbands sometimes work (although they tend to squirm out) I have also used cut off pieces of 1.25 PVC to protect them in place from the current and let them attach on their own. All of the corals you mentioned will spread as they divide. Shrooms and poylps can split into 2 or just move leaving behind part of their base that will grow. Zenia tends to walk across a rock leaving behind tissue or colonies as it does. The tissue will regrow tentacles.


New Member
i have a little group of 5 yellow poyps that just dfifts around the tank as well---if i place then a little tubber ware--will it stick on the the rock as well????

Sugar Magnolia

New Member
Yes it will. Fill the cup with some rubble and place the polyps in there. Get some netting, available in the fabric store/walmart craft department. Bridal tuille is what you'll want. Rubberband the tuille to the cup so the polyps can't float out. I like to fill the cup pretty full with rubble so the tuille is gently keeping the polyps snug against the LR. Place it in a low flow area and they should attach within a week or two. The same thing can be done for loose mushrooms too.