mushrooms eat shrimp


New Member
I got a shock yesterday. Of course being new to the hobby I get shocked often. I was feeding the inverts some tiny pieces of shrimp when I looked over at my green mushrooms and two of them had rolled up and actually had mouths exposed to eat!!! I didn't even know they had mouths! So I feed them and they ate it! Amazing. Just amazing. I know they can't think but my gosh it's like they invited themselves to the dinner table to eat. I just can't believe it.


New Member
Hmmm...haven't seen any. I really only want them on the one rock. Thanks for telling me, I'll keep my out for them.


New Member
Yeah, mushrooms are one of my favs to watch while feeding.

Can't forget about my open brain. Thats pretty cool too.


New Member
Mushrooms are more closely related to anemones than corals.
Different ones reproduce differently. Some spawn like corals, some will simply split in two. Others will detach from the rock and leave a small piece behind that will grow into a new one.



New Member
Feeding is my favorite part of the hobby. I tend to overfeed because I like to watch my brain, candy, shrooms, etc eat. Anyways good luck with the shrooms so far none of mine have split but have grown to big plate sized monsters. One of my shrooms did move to another location and left a piece of itself that is now growing like Incysor mentioned could happen.